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30 Days of Gratitude


This is going to probably be the shortest blog post I’ve ever created! It’s simple and to the point. I’ve discovered something so very important that I have to share this with you. I’ve found that to live my best life now, gratitude is the place to begin!

God intended for us to THRIVE, not just survive! So, I want to challenge you to 30 Days of Gratitude! All you have to do is journal your gratitude for 30 days. I want you to get a notebook, an app or some sort of way of keeping up with your writing. I want you to keep a journal each day, recording what you are grateful for.

For 30 Days, each day, stop at the end of the day and get out your journal. Reflect on your day and then begin to journal your gratitude for that day. There can be no negative speech out of your mouth during this 30 days. So you will have to keep guard over your tongue, mind and heart!

I think what you will find at the end of the 30 days of Gratitude is a different attitude! That’s the whole point! Right? We tend to attract what we desire, what we talk about and what we think about. So, in order to attract the good things in life, we need to start by being grateful, leaving behind the negative. Do bad things happen? Of course they do, but so do good things. So for the next 30 days we will focus only on what we are most grateful.

I really want to see you live your best life now!! Let’s start today by being grateful! Get that journal going. Set your calendar, mark it for 30 days and let’s go! Keep the negative out….the grateful in!!!

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