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Achieving and Maintaining Good Health


As I’ve moved through the various stages of my life, I’ve noticed a topic that comes up over and over…..How to be healthy. I myself, have always been aware of how important health is. I’ve wrestled with a stomach/esophagus issue almost my entire life, in spite of following a healthy regiment…at least I thought it was!

I know that genetics play into this conversation, but we can implement some changes that WILL help us live more healthy and longer lives. I’ve always adhered to a pretty good diet (meaning the way I eat, not a weight loss diet). I’ve always exercised regularly and supplemented with good quality vitamins and such. Smoking and use of tobacco was never a suit of mine nor was using and abusing substances. But there were several areas that I really needed to address and do something about that I failed to realize until about 15-20 yrs ago. In this post I want to address 13 areas that I truly believe brings and maintains good health. I’m striving daily to incorporate all of these in my life. Some I’m better at than others, but just being aware of them, is helping me to be more consistent in each area.

13 Life Zones to focus on for Good Health:

  1. Good nutrition is vital to good health. You don’t have to be the “kitchen policeman” to do this. Here are some suggestions. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Limit the more sugary fruits. Eat lean meats but limit pork as it is extremely moldy and causes yeast overgrowth. Eat fish but limit oysters, shrimp, etc. Eat a balance of healthy carbs such as whole wheat pasta and whole grain rice (but not very often). Eat good fats and limit dairy and sugar as well as pre-packaged foods and fast food. Drink lots of water…at least in ounces, half your body weight and limit caffeine. You can’t expect to eat junk and live healthy. Start out by cleaning out your fridge and pantry and make menus to make grocery shopping easier. You might begin by adding healthy eating 1-2 days a week and increase weekly until you are daily eating more healthy.

  2. If you need to lose weight….lose it! Being overweight increases your risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and some cancers.

  3. Protect your skin! No matter what, if you’re going out of the house, always use a SPF 15 sunscreen. Sun exposure is linked to skin cancer and ages the skin 10 times more quickly.

  4. Don’t smoke or use tobacco. These products cause mouth, throat, tongue and lung cancer as well as COPD and emphysema. Smoking is also a quick way to age your skin.

  5. Limit alcohol consumption. Too much alcohol can damage the liver and cause cancers such as throat, liver and pancreas. Men should have no more than 2 drinks a day and women no more than 1.

  6. Get active! Do some kind of stimulating activity for at least 30 minutes a day. Do cardio at least 3-6 times a week and adding weights 2-3 days a week is even better.

  7. Relax and manage your stress. Find strategies that help you control and eliminate unnecessary anxiety and stress. Some suggestions to do this might be engaging in meditation/prayer at least 15-20 minutes a day. Find a calming place to enjoy a few minutes everyday. Before bed each night, turn down the lights an hour prior and 30 minutes before going to bed engage in only quiet activities such as reading or meditating. Try to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. If you have trouble getting to sleep you might try melatonin. Start with 3mg and adjust from there. Check with you doc before taking any supplements.

  8. Develop and maintain close relationships. Family and friends are very important to good health. Relationships take work but they are so worth it. The joy and happiness they bring to our lives, definitely influence our health.

  9. Balance work (career) and family. Because of our smart devices we have no boundaries around our work environment…we tend to allow it to invade our family and personal space when we are off the clock. Be aware of how much family time you are giving up to do work when work is technically over. This will require discipline and an acknowledgment of how important family and personal time is to your health.

  10. Do something fun a minimum of once a month, bi-weekly if possible. Laugh and do it often and’s some of the most inexpensive medicine there is!!

  11. Exercise your Brain! Challenge yourself to learn new things. Read often and stretch yourself by reading subjects outside your interest. Complete word puzzles or anything that stimulates your brain and requires thinking!!

  12. Think positive and be grateful! A positive outlook and a grateful attitude influences positive speech. What we think and say is extremely powerful and has huge impacts on health. It is a proven fact that positivity when thought and spoken actually effects change in the brain and in turn releases chemicals that have healthy effects on the body. They also build the immune system.

  13. Use supplementation. You will NEVER get all the nutrients your body needs through food alone. Not all foods, once cooked or processed maintain their nutrient value. In addition, many of us have digestive issues that prevent good absorption of nutrients. Always check with your doctor before beginning any type of supplementation, especially if you take prescription drugs. Some basic supplements I use and recommend are: Kyolic garlic extract, CoQ10, Fish Oil, Multi-Vitamin, turmeric/curcumin, milk thistle, Vitamin C & E, and Dk as well as a good digestive enzyme.

I hope you will consider each of these "zones" and find ways to incorporate them into your daily life. If you want to live your best life now, work on achieving optimal health!!

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