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If I Should Die Before I Live

Updated: Oct 14, 2020

Let’s think about that statement. If I Should Die Before I Live. What does that mean….die before I live? Well, I think it means, “what if I die before I live my life to it’s full potential”. Living is not defined by the fact that you are breathing and physically/mentally functioning. Real living is much, much more than that!!

What is your definition of “really living”? Just from observation and experience, I have formed some opinions about what I think many people call “really living”. Now, mind you, these are just opinions. Remember actions speak pretty loudly. But, in addition to these observations, I’ve actually asked several of my friends and family members what defines “living a good life” for them. I've also consulted people that I know on a casual basis. I want to share with you what I learned.

Before I share with you my conversations and observations, I want to tell you what people thought “living a good life” was just 100 years ago. Having a roof over your head, a job, food to eat and a healthy family was considered prosperous. I can remember as a young child visiting my cousins that lived in “the country” and didn’t have indoor plumbing in the late 60’s and early 70’s. And yet, they thought they were “well to do”. It seems to me that “really living” might not be a manifestation of certain achievements but rather a state of mind. Those cousins that didn’t have indoor plumbing were some of the most happy and content people I knew. But yet I know people that have 10 times better circumstances and are miserable and can’t get enough to make them happy.

I want to talk to you about “really living”, what it is, and some first steps you can take to experience that in a short time. Let me elaborate on my conversations and observations. I’m going to quote exactly what individuals have told me “really living” is to them.

  1. Lots of Money

  2. An expensive car and big house

  3. Influence

  4. People noticing my wealth and achievements

  5. Being happy

  6. Living large…doing whatever I want

What I just listed was a certain group of people I interviewed and observed. Now I want to give you quotes from another group of people.

  1. Having my needs met and able to help others,

  2. Living a life of giving and extending mercy, making my family a priority

  3. Living out my God given potential

  4. A life of peace and contentment

  5. Following and achieving my dreams and accomplishing all God has called me to do

  6. Leaving a legacy for my family and friends

Let’s compare the two groups of people. They are quite different, aren’t they? Is it bad or small-minded to want plenty of money? Desire nice things such as cars and houses? Longing for people to affirm you? No, I don’t think in and of themselves, these things, they are bad. Having plenty of money can free you to take care of yourself and others. If you’ve worked hard and been a good steward of your finances, there’s nothing wrong with driving a nice vehicle and living in a nice home….nothing at all!! But should those particular things be our main pursuits in life? Should they be so important that the list of the second group is never a consideration, let alone an accomplishment?

Any time you make “you” the focus, you have lost your way! Living a good life will always include thinking of others, ministering to others, taking care of others and loving others. Steve Harvey says that all successful people have a certain order in life…"God, family, education, business". I think that order is spot on. No where in that order is “ME” as a priority. To “really live” you can’t have “you” at the top of the list. Being a giver and putting others first will always, ALWAYS catapult you in the direction of successful living! The Bible says whatever you sow, you will reap. So…..if you need finances, sow money. If you need good relationships, build and encourage the ones you have. If you need peace, be a peace maker. If you need anything….sow something into someone else. Help others. Minister to others. Love others. Be a GIVER!!!!

I want to share with you an exercise that you can use to get serious about “really living” and as a gauge to make sure you follow through!

  1. Get paper and pen.

  2. List the things that are keeping you from being a giver…might be debt, lack of income, an attitude, etc.

  3. Write down the names of people you know need help, that are struggling, that need support.

  4. What can you do to help the people on your list? Might be encouragement, make a car payment, provide child care, free labor, someone to talk to, etc. Resources come in many forms..not just money. Get creative.

  5. Access your own life. Do you have debt you need to eliminate? Are your relationships in shambles? Could you be doing more to help others? Are you slacking in day to day obligations and things that will improve your life such as organizing your home, keeping a realistic schedule…procrastinating about important things. Write them down.

  6. List the things you use to be excited about; things you dreamed of becoming or doing. Are there things that you’ve been passionate about but put aside? Write them down!

  7. Write down why you have ignored these passions and dreams. It might be bad decisions, life stresses, starting a family very young, lack of finances, no emotional support, etc. List all you can think of.

  8. Write down what is most important to you and what needs to happen to ensure it manifests. Is there anything you can be doing NOW to start the process? Write it down.

  9. Are you proud of where you are in life at this moment? Are your family/friends proud of you? Do others acknowledge a life being well-lived through and in you?

  10. Develop a S.M.A.R.T. goal strategy. Be Specific about your goal. Make sure you can Measure your progress. It needs to be Attainable….realistic. Make sure your goals are Relevant…do they line up with your values and long term goals. Set a Time line. This will help you to stay on track and not procrastinate!!!

These questions are just a spring board to get you thinking in a certain direction, that will hopefully help you discover what “Really Living” is for you and how to begin enjoying that life.

We all have a certain amount of time to live on this earth. I personally believe that God will help you live long enough to accomplish his will for your life if you want that to happen. God will then expect that you make decisions and take actions that line up with whatever that is for you. I want you to live your best life NOW! Please consider what I’ve written here but more than that, spend some time meditating about what your best life looks like!! We all will experience an “end of life” on this side of eternity. Think about what people will remember you for and what you will leave behind that will help them live their best life! You have a purpose. You have a reason for being here! Purpose to live “ON PURPOSE”. Don’t fail to discover what that is and pursue it every day of your life!!! Daily engage in things that will help you leave a legacy for your family and friends; one that will encourage them to invest in others and leave their own legacy.

Living your best life now is REALLY LIVING!!!

** The idea for this post came while watching a movie called “The Woman in the Lake”. It’s an old black and white film. One of the actors wrote a short story with this title. I couldn’t get that line out of my head. As a result, the next day I began contemplating and writing about it’s significance. I hope it makes you contemplate it also!

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