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No Better Time To Be Happy Than NOW!!!

So just what is “being happy”? Some people think it’s when all is right with the world. Others say it’s when everything in my life is good and no worries. But let me ask you this? Exactly how often is all right with the world? How often is EVERY SINGLE THING good in your life and you have not one worry?

My answer is hardly ever if any time! Why is that? Because our lives are so multi-faceted and much of who we are centers around other people and our relationships with them. There seems to always be something that needs our attention. There is always something that could be better….something that requires our focus, our energy, our time and resources.

So, if life is always in a state of “need” and “care”, when will we ever be happy? I’m so glad you’ve allowed me to ask that question!!! If happiness was determined by all the stars being aligned perfectly and all areas of our lives perfectly in order, we would scarcely have minutes to enjoy it! Why? Because it just doesn’t happen that often, if at all.

This dilemma is the reason for this blog! Why is now the time to be happy? Because, right now, you are in a position to CHOOSE to be happy. Being happy can't surely depend on our circumstances and events that take place in our lives. As I’ve mentioned in other posts and video’s, My hope and happiness is in a relationship with Jesus Christ. I truly believe that. But I also know that while I’m in that relationship, I still have choices to make.

No matter what is going on in your life, you CAN choose to be happy. Happy is more a state of mind than a circumstance. If happiness is determined by circumstances, we would be a sad lot all the time! Happiness, thank goodness, is not determined by anything other than simply our choice!

During this week, so many of us set aside time to be thankful because Thanksgiving is just days away. Allow me to share with you one simple truth that can change your view about happiness. It is a proven fact that when people begin to shift their thinking to positive, uplifting thoughts, their body chemical composition changes. But those, that in addition to positive thoughts, choose to be thankful, even greater healthy changes take place in their bodies.

Don’t miss out on an opportunity to experience happiness this week. No matter your circumstances, you can find something for which to be thankful. Grateful hearts are magnets for miracles. I encourage you to wake up daily and find things for which you are thankful. Daily go through your routine, purposefully looking for things that you are grateful to be experiencing. There is a quote I often see, “In a world where you can choose to be anything, choose to be kind”. Why is it we can’t choose to be happy? Oh, but we can! Everything in life is about choices. We choose everyday what that day will be.

If you want to live a happy life everyday, then start a journal. Write daily all that you are grateful for in this life. Little things, big things…find the good in life. Grateful people are happy people! There is no better time to be happy than now. Don't allow politics, relationships, jobs, finances or anything else to determine your happiness! You’ll live your best life everyday when you choose to be grateful!!!

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