You know, I tried to think of the right word that reflects my desire to put 2020 in the past. There were all these kinds of words: Repudiate, Disown, Resign, Relinquish, Annul, Revoke, and so on and so on. There was something about each of these words that didn’t quite capture what I wanted to say like the words“shake off”.
So many people are saying over and over how horrible 2020 was. They refer to politics, the pandemic, the economy, the riots, the hurricanes, so much sickness and death and on and on the list goes. But you know what, this year, although different and likely to not be another like it in my lifetime, was still a year for which I’m thankful.
Let me share with you what all happened to me this year that makes me so thankful. First, in spite of losing approximately $15k in income, my husband and I still managed to live at the same standards as always, we were still able to give over $10k to help others with car payments in arrears, utility bills, etc, and we even managed to pay off some unexpected debt. Secondly, our 25 yr old home that still had it’s original roof was replaced as well as some repairs and we paid cash (over $6k) for it as well. We had major car repairs that none were charged to a credit card, we paid cash. We paid a tax bill of over $8K in cash! Thirdly, I was able to launch my online coaching business/ministry that I had been working for two years to do, developed major content such as e-books and courses as well as blog posts, completed three major certifications and enjoyed getting my first paying clients! Fourth, my husband and I got major work done around our home place and land that was greatly needed. Next, I enjoyed some MAJOR Jesus time. During the shut down and summer I spent as much as three hours a day in prayer and studying my Bible and deepening my understanding of fundamental Biblical concepts that daily help me in life. I have several other things I could mention, but it would take to much time!
Now let me also tell you some of the “downers” we experienced: Since March 2020, my husband and I have lost 15 friends and family members to various circumstances, some were covid related deaths. From March to Sept we attended 11 funerals. We blew a head gasket in our best and most dependable car, meaning we have to buy another car. We were unable to teach at all the schools we would normally go to due to Covid 19. And to top it off we both contracted Covid 19 in early December and are just now beginning to feel close to our “normal selves” and today is January 9, 2021. I can honestly say I’ve never been that sick before in my life! I haven’t tasted or smelled anything in over four weeks and between the two of us we lost 15 pounds…..and those were the “light” symptoms. We were told by our daughter (NP) that if we had gone to the ER we would have definitely been admitted to the hospital. We are grateful we were able to recover at home, even though it’s five weeks out and still contending with residual issues!
Now, looking at both of the two paragraphs above, there is a lot of loss, sadness and yet in spite of it there is also gain and goodness. SOooooooo, how do we shake off 2020 and walk Strong in 2021? Glad you asked!
FIRST: You have to decide that no matter how horrible 2020 was for you, that is in your past. Thoughts and emotions surrounding painful life events can become toxic and detrimental to achieving our life goals. While we may never fully forget these events, we can control and put away the thoughts and emotions that were apart of them. Continuing to dwell on toxic thoughts that influence our emotions will also continue to dramatize theses events over and over. Paul said in Philippians 3:13 “that there is one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth to those things which are ahead”.
SECOND: Remember those things that helped you succeed. When the Israelite children grumbled to Moses, he told them to remember the day they came out of Egypt, how they left with great wealth and how they succeeded to do so with no hinderances. We need to remember the thought processes, the attitudes and the actions we took and used this past year that helped us in particular ways so that we might employ those methods again if we find ourselves in similar situations. Remember the good and how you’ve survived the past year!
THIRD: Be determined to be a giver this year. You can give time to others by just listening. You can give time to others by praying for them. You can give time by serving them and helping them when they are struggling and are unable to complete a project without help. You can give your money to help those that desperately need it just to get them stabilized or to a place they can stand on their own. You can’t solve everyone’s problems, but you can solve some. Pray and ask God to bless you so that you can be a blessing.
FOURTH: You can be strong in 2021 by pressing in. Paul said “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus”. You have a calling on your life. You have been uniquely equipped and endowed with gifts and talents for a specific purpose. Make a plan to find out what that purpose is and then press in…develop those areas that are weak, utilize your strengths and talents and invest in yourself. Be purposeful about everything you do.
FIFTH: Let go of your pride. In Galatians 6:3 it says “ For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself”. Refuse to engage in thoughts that elevate you above others. To be a giver and walk in your calling, it may require you to get in the ditches with people that are hurting and struggling…and sometimes that gets dirty and ugly. Pride will blind you to your own weaknesses and rob you of the ability to empathize with those that really need your help. You may actually be doing better in your finances, living healthy and in your relationships. Maybe you know some things or have learned some things that others haven’t, but that doesn’t make you better than those that are struggling. Be willing to share your wisdom and the things that you have found helpful in life. If you will help and elevate others, God with promote you!
SIXTH: Again, Paul gives us some great wisdom in Colossians 3. He gives us a list of things to “put off” and things to “put on”. Put off things like anger, rage, malice (evil intent), filthy speech, and lying. But put on things like mercy, kindness, meekness, long-suffering, forbearance (patience), forgiveness. But, LOVE is the first and best thing to put on. If you operate in love you will automatically “put on and put off” all these things. We have the power to stop these nasty behaviors and adopt some more success ensuring behaviors in their place. Everything we “put off or put on” is our choice. I love the quote “In a world where you can choose to be anything…be kind”. We can ALWAYS choose the type of person we want to be and become. We can be the problem or we can be the solution! I want to share one last nugget of Paul’s wisdom. He said “Let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance, the race God has set before us.” Hebrews 12:1 NLV
In order to shake off 2020 and walk strong in 2021, are you willing to make some adjustments? Some changes? It might even require a completely different way of thinking. Consider these last three ares:
Eliminate Time Robbers. Social media, internet sites, messaging/texting, “piddling” in projects/activities that keep us from more useful tasks, watching TV, ignoring the alarm (using the snooze too much) are all examples of time robbers. Examine the things that are robbing your time, keeping you from walking strong.
Who is in your inner circle of relationships. Are they walking strong? Are they examples of what you want to become? If not, it’s time to make a change (Proverbs 12:26). Develop relationships that include people who are walking strong in their finances, relationships, career, spiritually, and health. This doesn’t mean you “unfriend” someone like is done on FaceBook, but you limit you time and exposure to people who could hold you back from obtaining your goals.
Be determined to filter your media intake. Realize that the kind of movies, t.v. programming, video/music that you ingest is constantly impacting your thoughts and are powerful to influence behavior. Violence and vulgarity of all kinds have become the norm these days. If these forms of entertainment don’t promote wholeness, honesty, and good role models, then consider changing your format. Pay attention to the kinds of emotions and thoughts that you experience after your encounter with each media forum you are engaging. What you allow into your “sense gates" (ears and eyes especially) WILL affect you over time. To walk strong in 2021, you will have to be disciplined in this area daily
If you want to live your best life this year in 2021 and walk stronger than 2020, think about the things I’ve mentioned and also consider the reading list below. It will help you life your best life everyday!
Ephesians 4:17-32, 5:2-20, 6:1-17
Colossians 3:2, 8-17
Galatians 3:13-14
Philippians 1:6, 2:5, 3:11-14
1 Thessalonians 5