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Summer Bible Study 7. Factors that Give the Enemy Access into Our Life.


Updated: Aug 8, 2020

Factors that Give the Enemy Access into Our Lives~~

1. Sin. Disobedience, anger, pride, unforgiveness, criticism and selfishness are all sin. Any form of sin disconnects us from the intimacy with have with the Holy Spirit! We need to daily and immediately following a sinful act, ask for the blood of Jesus to cleanse us. We need to also ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to us things that are not under the blood. We also don’t need to be “sin conscious”….meaning we should not be so consumed with our sin in the past that it effects our being able to relate to God or the way we relate to him.

2. Ignorance of satan’s devices. Satan can use all sorts of tools to deceive us. He even uses

“US” to deceive us. If we are not grounded in the Word of God we are easily deceived. We

need to be spirit conscious and able to discern when others are being used by satan and

know how to discern motives. Satan can use things that appear to be “good” and trick us

into thinking certain situations, opportunities and such are fine when they actually are not.

Remaining in the Word daily and renewing our mind to God’s Word and His system helps us

to be vigilant and on guard spiritually and avoid his traps.

3. Compromising with the enemy. Participating in behaviors and situations that we know are

marginal at best is often how we compromise. An example: Using someone else’s

Address other than your own in order for children to attend a certain school, telling

half truths, cheating on income taxes, not reporting income, not paying tithes, taking

advantage of situations that you know you can get away with, but shouldn’t, etc. are

other examples. This kind of compromise in our integrity and honesty opens the door

for satan’s attack.

4. Limited knowledge of God’s Word and His Purposes and Plans for you. When we don’t

know God’s Word, which reveals His will and Plan in general for all of us we are left to

our own plans and we lack God’s wisdom to discern bad choices. We lack the

ability to govern our lives adequately.

5. Lack of Intimacy with God. When we don’t daily partake of the close relationship we can

have with God, we deny ourselves of the only One who can truly help us in all areas. But

not only help is deprived, but also the ability to connect and be one with the Creator. The

only One that truly loves us and accepts us. We will find ourselves seeking for a

connection with people that do not have our best in mind. We will seek affirmations from

the wrong sources, leaving us in a place where we do not use wisdom or godly advise.

Satan loves for us to be doing “life” on our own. We are like moving targets at that point.

6. Lack of Persistence. To be successful in life and avoid the traps, we must be persistent in

prayer time, praying in the spirit, studying God’s Word, crucifying the flesh, guarding our

mouth and tongue, having two-way conversations with God (not just us talking the entire

time) and sitting under good teaching/preaching. The one that persists, WINS!!

7. Getting our eyes off Jesus and on the Problem at Hand. Jesus is ALWAYS the answer! His

Word and His Spirit always agree with Him. Focusing on the problem invites worry, which is

a sin and encourages doubt and fear. Jesus never spoke the problem or about it when

people came to him for help. First his answer was ALWAYS yes to healing, getting out of

poverty or anything that was part of the blessing. Jesus always spoke what he wanted the

end result to be. He spoke what His Father had already said about the situation. Focusing

on the problem causes anxiety, causes us to get our attention off the Word, the Answer!

Worry is the result of fear. Worry is the precursor to doubt. Fear and doubt is the realm

in which satan works and thrives. The only power he has is the power we give him.

8. Spiritual Immaturity. Spiritual immaturity produces blind spots. Just as we have blind spots

In our cars sometimes, causing us to not be able to see a car coming our direction, so is

the blind spot spiritually. It keeps us from having our antenna up and being alert and able

to detect when we are under attack. Anything we are dealing with that is of the curse is

always connected to satan; It is instigated by him and planned by him. But, when we are

Spiritually immature, we often fail to recognize the attack and who is behind it. In this state,

we fail to see the benefit of knowing and standing on the Word of God. We fail to invoke

the covenant we have with Jesus.

9. Fatigue…physically, emotionally and mentally as well as spiritually. Fatigue in any area of

our body is a HUGE breading round for criticalness, complaining, anger, unforgivness and

all forms of negative speech. Fatigue is the single most reason that causes Christians to

be led by the flesh and not the Spirit. Fatigue, many times comes about due to “good”

things we are participating in but have lacked the wisdom to recognize when and if we

should have said “No” or decline participation. Sometimes we fail to delegate, over-

schedule ourselves, take on more than we should, aren’t listening to the Holy Spirit and

realizing we are over indulging or participating. We need to always be adhering to healthy

lifestyle habits; eating healthy, keeping wellness appointments, tending to our emotions,

keeping in good company with those that are encouraging and helpful, feeding our spirits

a daily healthy dose of Bible, prayer and meditation. Even ministry has it’s limits…

remember how often Jesus got away and alone and spent time with the Father? It was

a lifestyle that he always adhered to. He knew it was vital for him to be able to go through

With dying on the cross..going to hell and becoming the sacrifice for all sin and the curse.

Satan is not nearly successful in obtaining access to us when we are not fatigued.

I have not included any scripture with this but will give you some in our next lesson. This is something I wanted to share with you because so many of us are under attack right now and we are questioning “what is going on”? “It seems like I’m being pounded from every direction.”

There could be several or many reasons for this. First of all, as Jesus told his disciples, “In this world YOU WILL HAVE TRIBULATION, but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.” What Jesus was actually saying to them is, yes, you will have trouble from time to time because this world is under a curse. But I have overcome this world system, I have overcome the curse that will cause you so much trouble. I have overcome and because I have, you can and will!! But besides the cursed planet in which we live, we can unintentionally do or not do things that can open the door to satan.

As long as you live, you WILL have problems and crisis. That is why preparing now and not waiting until the crisis comes, better helps us to take a stand. How you first respond to a crisis, what you speak first about it will generally determine the outcome. Be careful of the words you speak. God said to put a guard over our mouth and tongue. He said in Proverbs 18 Death and life are in the power of YOUR tongue. In Deuteronomy God said I set before you today blessing and cursing..choose blessing!!

Excerpt from one of my Discipleship Training Classes

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