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Summer Bible Study 10. Responding or Reacting?


Updated: Aug 8, 2020

I was awakened very early this morning by one of our cats. It was making a horrible noise. So I got up to see what was going on and when I found the source of the noise, I was tempted to react in anger out of my frustration. I decided to go back to bed and see if I could sleep a little longer, but the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about “reacting”.

I actually did a video blog about his subject several months ago. But the Lord revealed some much deeper truths to me this morning that I want to share. We go all through life reacting to people, events and things that effect us. Often we react suddenly without any thought for our actions or words. Prisons are full of people that “reacted” rather than responded. I’m sure there is a huge percentage of people in prison that had no intentions of committing the acts that landed them in jail, but rather reacted instantly to a set of circumstances. Just think of it….reacting or responding. When we react, we usually do so based on our emotions. Reactions seldom are preceded by thoughtful reflection of facts. But responding on the other hand, is quite the opposite. When we choose to respond, rather than react, we often reign in our emotions and wade through all the facts logically and methodically. We consider all the pro’s and con’s. We think through to the other side of our response and consider the consequences of that response.

People that react usually do so emotionally and hurriedly. Reacting doesn’t allow for a thoughtful process that weighs the fact and consequences. Reactions are kind of like triggers. They quickly go off and once they do, there is no turning back. There is a huge difference in responding and reacting. One of the biggest differences, in my opinion, is the outcome. As children of God, we want to always be a reflection of our Father. We were made in His image for that purpose. I think when we respond, rather than react to situations, especially those involving other people, we can do this more effectively when we have developed “fruit” in our spirit. In Galatians 5 those fruits are listed as love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self-control. Just by listing and reading this list you can see how someone that is always “reacting” is not developed in these areas. Reacting is a self-centered behavior. It’s impatient, it’s careless and can be abrasive. Jesus said in Matthew 12 that by our words we will be justified and by our words we will be condemned. When we react, we tend to use words that would condemn us, not justify us. Paul says in Colossians 4 to let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. This is an example of Responding! When we respond to people and circumstances, our speech is careful and thoughtful. And in Titus 2, Paul says “In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works; in doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity and sound speech…..” Does that sound like a “pop off, reactionary” person? Absolutely not!!!

I’ve mentioned this before in a teaching but am impressed to share again. In the NT Paul often refers to three types of people. I want you to judge for yourself, which of these are the kind of person that reacts and which responds, and which one are you?

Psuchikos (pronounced su-ki-kos) this person totally relies on his senses. He is not led by the Spirit, but follows after his flesh and does what he “feels like”. One of those people that just “calls it like it is”. This person is incapable of receiving anything from the Holy Spirit.

Pneumatikos (pronounced New-mat-i-kos) this person has daily engaged in mind renewal. He has control of his thought life. He is Spirit filled and led. He daily has communion with God and purposefully listens for His voice and wisdom. He does not allow his flesh to dictate his actions.

Surkikos (pronounced sir-ki-kos) this person is a baby in Christ and has not engaged in mind renewal. He is the one that Paul refers to as on milk and cannot digest spiritual meat. He struggles daily with flesh led behavior but realizes the need to be Spirit led. This person can only receive the simplest of truths.

Now after reading about these three types of people, which do you think reacts and which responds? Which of the three would you say are you? If you can identify with one of these three and it happens to be other than Pneumatikos, you may be a reactionary person that is constantly or often suffering from bad consequences rather than living in peace and harmony with others. When we allow our emotions and feelings, (which are all flesh dominated), to control us, it is impossible to respond in the manner that Jesus spoke of.

Having peace of mind, walking in the blessing of God, experiencing the goodness of God, living your best life will require you to be the person that responds to people and circumstances rather than reacts. I want to encourage you to avoid being the person that “pops off” instantly to people and circumstances. You may say “I just can’t help it”. If you do, you’re admitting you have NO CONTROL! That’s not true. We GIVE UP control, we don’t lose it. It’s our choice…we can react or we can respond. Life is hurling one situation after another at each of us. Being a person that is constantly reacting to all of that is like an action figure in a movie that is just one scene on top of another filled with explosives, gunfire, the chase, running and sweating trying to avoid discovery….how long can a person keep that up? But that’s what reacting to life is like. Put down your pistol and hand grenade and start using your God given “mind of Christ” and call on the wisdom of God and use that to think your way through the situation before you act!

No wonder the “world” doesn’t care to take us up on our offer of the “Good News”!!! It hasn’t become “Good News” enough to us that we refuse to act like those that don’t have the hope that is in us! Start living your best life now by Responding and not Reacting!!!

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