Do you ever contemplate what will be said about you when you leave this earth? You know, I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about that because I’m planning to live long enough to see grandchildren, great-grand children and great-great grandchildren living out life!! But I do sometimes want to evaluate “HOW” I’m living my life…don’t you?
I’ve often heard ministers talk about the “dash” at funerals. They have referred to it as that space of time between a person’s birth and their death. All of us want to be well remembered don’t we? But have you ever stopped and thought about “what will the people that knew me most and best remember about me when I’m gone?” I’m not suggesting that we be overly concerned about what people think about us, because there will always be those that we can’t please, no matter what. I’m strictly bringing this subject up for the purpose of evaluating “HOW” we live life. That’s really important.
Be real honest here and answer these questions: Are you more negative than positive in your conversations? Do you tend to be critical and judgmental of others? Do you automatically “pick apart” someone’s clothing choices, hair style, speech or lifestyle? Are you the one that always points out the down side to people’s choices and situations they talk about? Are you a glass “half empty person? Do you hold grudges easily? OR, Do you tend to see the good in people before the bad? Are you a person that offers positive encouragement to others? Do you often realize that we are all basically the same and need acceptance, assurance and forgiveness? Do you easily compliment others, always finding something good to say? When asked for advice, are you optimistic and encouraging? Are you a glass “half full” person? A peacemaker? Do you keep thoughts/comments to yourself if you know they might be offensive?
You know, how you answered those questions, just might reflect how you live your life! So, once you’ve completed your course here on earth and your memorial service is over, what will those that attended your service be saying about you as they congregate around your gravesite?
Whether we realize it or not, we all leave some sort of legacy to our family and friends once we’ve completed our race. What sort of legacy are you leaving for your children? Grandchildren? Co-workers? Spouse? Friends?
I read social media posts almost daily. I’ve noticed over the past couple of years that 2 of my FB friends posts are mostly negative. So negative that hardly anyone responds to them…they are virtually ignored. I myself, when I see their names, I too ignore them and just keep on a scrollin! I don’t want to subject myself to their negativity and pollute my mind with their abrasive comments. One of these people has been a long time respected friend/colleague. But, after the past couple of years of reading and experiencing their negative, hateful and many times attacks on others character, I’ve begun to change my opinion of them. I’m so disappointed and feel so sorry for them. The way I will remember them is much different than what it would have been years ago. How unfortunate! So unfortunate that they are filled with such negative, spiteful venom that many are retreating from engaging with them.
This breaks my heart reviewing what I just said. I want to encourage you to think about the legacy you are leaving behind. I want you to think about the “dash”….that space of time between your birth and death. Once you’ve lived your life and you’ve passed on to the next, into eternity, will your family and friends remember you how you would like? I encourage you to live your best life now so that people that love and care about you remember you as a person that lived life with a purpose. We all have a God-given purpose. There is something significant that each of us are to accomplish before we leave this earth. I truly hope you are trying to discover that “something”! It’s inside you this very moment. All that is needed is in seed form inside you just waiting to be sprouted and grown into that purpose for which you were created. Spend some time today and over the next few days meditating and asking God for the revelation of “YOUR PURPOSE”. It’s important for you to know what that is so that your best life can begin now!!!